Arch Dental of Woodbury
800 Woodbury Road, Suite D, Woodbury NY
Call Us Today: (516) 921-8010

Frequently Ask Question

Frequently Ask Questions

There is very little risk in dental X-rays. We are especially careful to limit the amount of radiation to which children are exposed. Lead aprons and high-speed film are used to ensure safety and minimize the amount of radiation.

Digital radiography, or computerized X-rays, is part of the high-tech services that we provide to our patients by utilizing the Schick X-ray system. Digital X-rays use less radiation than traditional film. Instead of a piece of film, the system’s sensor is placed in the mouth to capture an X-ray. The Schick system uses a sensor with rounded corners and a smooth casing that makes the process of taking X-rays more comfortable for patients and more efficient for our staff. Another benefit is time savings. There’s no waiting — as soon as the X-ray is taken, it appears immediately on the computer monitor. And because of the enhancements in the digital X-ray software program, we are better able to diagnose and treat conditions. Since the images can be enlarged, patients are able to clearly visualize and understand the diagnosis and proposed treatment plan. We are pleased to offer digital X-rays and other technologies so that our patients gain a positive dental experience.

Parents should take their children to the dentist regularly, beginning with the eruption of the first tooth. Then we can recommend a specific program of brushing, flossing, and other treatments for parents to supervise and teach to their children. These home treatments, when added to regular dental visits and a balanced diet, will help give your child a lifetime of healthy habits.

YES. Because our patients love us they often refer their friends and family because they want to see them receive the same level of care. We are proud of the confidence our patients have placed in us by being a referral-only-based practice.

In order to treat each and every patient as an individual with unique dental needs, it is vital to completely assess their current oral health. We perform an oral cancer screening, and we look at muscles and joints that open and close the mouth. We will look at your teeth, and your gums and bone that hold the teeth (the periodontium). We then take photos and x-rays when necessary. With this information we can determine the type of treatment that is right for you.
There are several methods to make teeth whiter. We can “whiten” them in the office or place porcelain veneers. The best whitening technique has been dentist-prescribed whitening systems; they change the color of teeth with minimal (if any) side effects. Veneers are an option for more difficult cases. There are many other ways to improve the appearance of your smile. If you are interested in a cosmetic consultation to assess your cosmetic needs please let us know.
The most important part of brushing your teeth is the technique used. Toothpaste is important for what it supplies: fluoride and tartar control. Be careful of the whitening brands because some are abrasive and they can remove enamel from teeth.
After testing numerous brushes, we have concluded that electric, if used, is the best. We usually recommend electric toothbrushes because of their design, ease of use, and availability. There are numerous models on the market that work well. If you have a question about a specific brand, please ask us.
We realize that even though dental care has come a long way in terms of patient comfort, there are still those with concerns and fears. Dental care should not be an unpleasant experience so we provide a full array of options for those patients. We offer several techniques to help you relax so please ask us about the different methods we offer.

Cosmetic Dentistry is the art and science of designing wonderful smiles. It involves all aspects of general dentistry with a special emphasis on enhancing esthetics of your smile with the artistry of the dentist and specialized dental materials and techniques.

If your teeth are discolored or permanently stained, or if gaps or chips make you feel self-conscious and stop you from smiling fully, or if your teeth are crooked, worn down or you have an uneven smile, Cosmetic Dentistry can help.

Orthodontic treatment takes 18 months to 2 years while porcelain veneers can correct crooked teeth in two visits.

The answer is definitely, yes! With routine preventive dental care in combination with excellent oral hygiene, your teeth could be with you for life. Be sure you are visiting Dr. Herman as necessary and are caring for your teeth and gums as recommended.

Porcelain veneers, bonding, or crowns may be used on more severe cases.
There is no downtime, so with your new smile you can return to work and your normal activities right away.
The duration of the results is specific to the treatment performed and even then there are multiple variables. In general, bonding lasts 3-5 years, while porcelain veneers last in excess of 10 years.
The added expense of cosmetic dentistry often prevents people from making an investment in the health of their teeth or improvements in their smile. But cost doesn’t have to be a prohibitive factor. We can work with you to create a plan that addresses your immediate, short-term, and longer-term goals and also fits your budget.
Since most cosmetic dental surgery is elective, insurance plans usually don’t cover it. But there are exceptions, and if your treatment is medically necessary you may be covered for a portion of it. Our office will be happy to speak with you to figure out if a portion of your expenses may be covered.
Yes. The active ingredient in the Brite Smile Advanced whitening gel is hydrogen peroxide, which has been safely used by the dental community to whiten teeth for many years. Brite Smile does not change underlying structure of the teeth, nor does it damage fillings or tooth enamel.
No, porcelain does not change color when exposed to dental bleach.
We have a variety of before and after photos covering many procedures that you may view online in our Smile Gallery as well as in our office during your consultation.
With removable orthodontics, cosmetic contouring, and/or bonding and veneering, teeth can be reshaped and polished for long-lasting results: a stronger, less crowded-looking appearance.
New advances in tooth-colored porcelain and composite materials not only allow fillings to go unnoticed, but are stronger and more wear-resistant than silver and gold.
Yes. Bonded veneers can close gaps and help create the smile you desire. Bonded resins generally require one office visit, while porcelain veneering takes two. Bonded veneers, along with good oral hygiene and a healthy lifestyle, are effective ways to enhance a smile. Dr. Herman can explain the various techniques and help determine which is best suited to your specific needs.
Tooth whitening, the process for lightening discolored teeth, can be accomplished by Dr. Herman in the office or with supervised, at-home systems. Teeth can be whitened to the desired shade over several office visits.
A wide variety of options are available to improve how your teeth work and the way your smile looks. Check out our “Cosmetic Procedures” section to see how other patients with similar problems were helped.
A great smile should improve your self-confidence, which can have a positive impact on the social and professional aspects of your life. Cosmetic dentistry is not just about pretty smiles though. New techniques and materials are available for back teeth as well as the ones you see when you smile. Now your mouth can look great, get healthy and function better at the same time.

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